Franchise business opportunities that give clear direction on business basics

by James Child| Managing Director | Wet-seal
Franchise business opportunities that give clear direction on business basics

James Child| Managing Director | Wet-seal 

We have previously seen how training programs can be taken as an indicator of the level of support the franchisee will be receiving in the long run.

When evaluating franchise opportunities, potential franchisees should also carefully evaluate the comprehensiveness of the franchise training program and its ability to provide you with a list of dos and don'ts to run your franchise business in a compliant and successful way. We caught up with James Child, Managing Director of Wet-seal, to talk about the importance of well-organised initial training courses.

Training provides the dos and don'ts of running a franchise business

The level of dedication in training offered by a franchise system can tell you whether the franchisor is really interested in your success as a franchise business owner.

The good franchise systems invest a lot of resources in training programs to make sure that you have all the skills required by your new job before you start selling your product and services to the customers.

Moreover, the franchise training program will also provide important guidelines in regards to the "do's and don'ts" of running a successful franchise business. Although drive and enthusiasm are key ingredients, it is also the franchisor's role to offer the help and support for franchisees to be successful.

Maintaining constant drive and enthusiasm are important do's for running a franchise business and these are achieved by acknowledging that the franchise belongs to you and the franchisor is there to offer you the necessary support and resources for you to be successful.

The do's in running a franchise business covered by most training programs include selling the products and services effectively and efficiently, taking advantage of your location and using the right marketing strategies.

The don'ts of running a franchise cover many legal aspects of running a business including deceptive advertising, not fulfilling contractual agreements between the franchisee and the customers, and a wide range of liabilities such as negligence in applying the correct safety standards which can negatively impact the franchisee and their customers.

"Maintaining constant drive and enthusiasm are important do's for running a franchise business and these are achieved by acknowledging that the franchise belongs to you and the franchisor is there to offer you the necessary support and resources for you to be successful." 

Evaluate the training programs offered by different franchise business opportunities

Depending on the type of industry the franchise system operates in, there may be formal qualifications that are required to be completed by franchisees when legislation demands they comply with industry codes. For example, Wet-seal franchisees complete the TAFE Certificate III in waterproofing to comply with building codes in the relevant states.

One way of comparing training programs offered by different franchise business opportunities is by examining the comprehensiveness of the franchise training program documents. This will tell you whether everything you need to know has been incorporated into operations manuals, or published online on franchisor intranets. This is also ideal for polishing up on skills later on in your franchising career or for administering training material to your future employees.

Throughout your research on the franchise business opportunities available to you, an important method of finding out what training programs have to offer is to go out and ask existing franchisees. Find out what their experience was going through the training, and listen to what they have to say in regards to the effectiveness of the training program and how it has helped them throughout the different stages of the business cycle.

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