New research reveals two-thirds pool owners don’t know CPR

New research reveals two-thirds pool owners don’t know CPR

Former Australian swimming coach and water safety ambassador Laurie Lawrence has joined forces with national pool and spa care franchise PoolWerx in an effort to improve pool safety education and prevent preschool drownings.

With research released today by PoolWerx revealing a staggering two-thirds of Aussie pool owners wouldn’t know how to resuscitate their own family member in an emergency and a further 43 per cent don’t have an up-to-date CPR chart displayed in their pool area, the new partnership has been created to drive home the five important water safety steps among parents and children at a grassroots level in communities across the country.

The PoolWerx Pool Safety Survey lifted the lid on the significant number of Australian pool owners potentially putting lives at risk, with a further 20 per cent admitting to never inspecting the safety of their pool area.

The partnership will boost Laurie’s 25-year-long campaign by utilising the 300 PoolWerx franchisees to reach out to Australians with educational DVDs, pool safety checklists and through education at ongoing pool and spa care appointments.

PoolWerx CEO John O’Brien said PoolWerx was committed to promoting water safety awareness through its stores and vans across Australia.

“Despite boasting the highest pool ownership per capita in the world, Australians still ignore basic safety measures including regular inspection for pool dangers, displaying an up-to-date CPR chart and understanding basic life saving techniques,” he said.

“With summer tipped to be an absolute scorcher, now is the perfect time to check the fence and gate latch are in working order, the pool water is healthy and your surrounding pool area is safe ready to take the plunge into the swimming season.”

Laurie Lawrence said this year would be the most significant to date for Kids Alive.

“We are teaming up with PoolWerx to take our ‘Kids Alive – Do the Five’ message to thousands of adults and children across the country, targeting the area where water safety is absolutely critical – in our own backyards,” he said.

Kids Alive - Do The Five

  1. Fence the pool
  2. Shut the gate
  3. Teach your kids to swim – it’s great
  4. Supervise – watch your mate and
  5. Learn how to resuscitate


 john obrien  laurie lawrence 2

John O'brien and Laurie Lawrence.

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